Providing climbing in the outdoors for wellbeing and community

About us
We understand climbing not just as a sport, but a way of developing a strong sense of identity and community, increasing positive physical and mental health and as an opportunity to access flow state. Learn more
The benefits of climbing
Climbing increases strength and endurance, and releases a healthy dose of adrenaline, followed by an increased openness to rest & recovery.
When climbing, we can enter a flow state, where our minds are calm and our bodies naturally release chemicals that make us feel happy & blissful!
Being outside has a huge positive impact on our mental health. Our mission is to make the beautiful landscapes around us feel safe & inclusive.
Climbing adventures expand the limits of our comfort zone, increasing confidence in managing unpredictability both on the rock and in our everyday lives.
Climbing brings people together through shared experiences as we all learn from and support each other. A community is created as trust develops between us.
As well as learning how to tie knots & use climbing equipment, climbing helps us to develop transferable skills, learning how to manage our emotions and relationships.
All minds, body shapes and abilities have unique strengths - we believe the best climber in the world is the one that’s having the most fun.