Climbing Taster Sessions

Climbing taster sessions for 11-25 yr olds who wants see what rock climbing is like.



Sessions are outside and 3 or 6 hours long.


We can arrange sessions to suit you depending on staff availability!


Sessions run within 1 hour of the Bristol area.


Full Price / Concession / Free * See FAQs below for info on pricing

Half Day: £50 / £25 / £0

Full: £100 / £50 / £0

Text, call or email us:

07907 450244


    • Have a go at climbing outside!

    • Learn how to keep yourself safe when climbing outside

    • Learn how to Keep your group members safe while they are climbing

    • Learn how to use basic climbing equipment

    • Develop physical strength (you don’t need to be physically strong already!)

    • Meet other young people

    • Explore new places

    • Earn vouchers to work as a YP consultant to help us create an inclusion and diversity policy

  • Go to our about me section to see our instructors

  • We will provide you with all the equipment needed so you just need to bring yourself and some comfortable clothes!

  • See our home page for the benefits of climbing!

  • This depends on you and what you need. We will cater the sessions for you. Some people might want to be in a group with others and some people might want to start with just an instructor or an adult that they know and trust

  • These are one off sessions which a young person might like to try before doing our climb calm sessions

  • Yes. We are happy to come and meet you before you decide if you want to do any climbing

  • Sessions are £220-£400 per full day for a group of 4-6 people depending on their age and specific needs.

    Subsidised and free sessions are decided on a case by case basis and offered to those in the most need and depending on the capacity of Crux Climbing at the time of referral and as well as any funding stipulations.

    Give us a call to chat this through!